Labels:book | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: the am,r upplied by the Ninth Circuit in this case. None theless this Court held ir per opinion that Section 2677 provided authority for the Attorney Gen- eral settle the claim. Hubseh United States, 338 1949 That hoiding establishes that even though recovery on the claim wis almost cet rtainly pre cluded by Section the claim was still : cogniza- ble under that provision, The sanc concl lusion follows from actions Congress took 1 revising the FT statute of limi itations provi- sion r 1948 That prov ision originally governed ]. Ivery claim against the United States cognizable under this title 28 U.S. 942 {1946} the course f com prehensive revision the Judicial Code the provision was changed to apply as does today XUE "tort claim against the Uniicd States. 28 2401(b) The reviser stated that. ...